In Coding a Better Government, the main message was that we should become more involved in bureaucracy. Pahika made many valid points involving how we react with our government. " How can we expect our government to reflect our needs and values when we don't get involved?" questioned Pahika. She spoke briefly about how the older generations use their voices to show dis contempt, and how the younger generations are more accustomed to using their hands. The main idea, was that we should be using our voices along side our hands to express our opinions. We should be active in our government. "We should make Bureaucracy sexy" Pahika noted. I think that the main idea of this this TedTalk was that should be active in our government with both our voices and our hands, because using both of those tools allows us to be heard.
I sat there on the cold leather couch, carefully keeping the tear stained pillow close to my face, "As if that would protect me". "Why on Earth am I doing this?" I thought as the blonde, dimwitted teenager crept closer to the door that had produced shuddering "Booms" just moments before. I slowly lowered my fluffy and very much useless pillow, as the creature without an appearance terrorized the innocent and unsuspecting 15 year old. Just as I was about to make a bee line for the bathroom, her blood-curdling scream finds it's way into my ear drums, forcing my body to shudder and quickly retreat back to my safe pillow fort; Its warm and soft fabric meeting my face as I land with a thud. "Is this what Hollywood would have wanted? To have my body shaking with fear, and my forehead soaked with perspiration. Yes, is the only answer that travels through my brain; as she takes her last breath with wide eyes; exactly what the demon would have wanted. 
(This is regarding the last part of the fourth movie)




This photo was taken at 6:30 this morning, from my rusty, and old apartment balcony. But it wasn't until 9:00 a.m that I had composed a poem to accompany it. I hope that you enjoy.
Pillow-like snowflakes
caress each curl on my shoulder
Soft and subtle as
Snow falls once more
Quiet and still
Hanging on for dear life
The beauty seen 
without any aid
Crunching and melting
As the snow gives way
My feet
The destroyers
Of an otherwise perfect day..


 Watching Joblessness affected my field of interest, by showing me that life in the real world is very difficult. I am now considering   going into the trades, as one of my options. At the moment any career in science is holding my attention; neurology and marine biology in particular. In my field of interest, I have not found any governing bodies promoting job creation. I think the government could use propaganda to bring more attention to the professions that do not receive much recognition. By advertising different careers (i.e. Engineering, computer studies, and business), I believe that the government could relieve some of the pressure on other industries; such as education, medicine, and law. If more students were choosing to go into the trades and/or a career that is technology based, they would find themselves being 10 times more successful. This is because those industries aren't as well recognized as many others are, thus providing more space for education and career opportunities. I personally believe that in order to gain experience in your field you can volunteer, participate in internships (if given the opportunity), and study your career. I believe that you should know if your career choice is going to provide you with the necessities needed to live. Your career should be an attainable one, and give you a stable home and/or amount of income. In terms of the field that I wish to be successful in, I think that knowing how to operate certain types of equipment (i.e. Software, computer programs, and specialized equipment) would benefit me greatly.

Dear Samantha, 
I am sure that you will read this at some point in your life; or so I hope. Well you are reading it now, aren't you? Unless you are not me, and you just happen to be some random guy. In that case please put this letter back in the envelope and step away slowly. If you are me, how are you? Have you become a neurologist? Do you have a family? Are you happy? I hope that you can answer these questions with a soft smile and a yes. Did I create memories? Am I loved? Do I love? Yes I am aware that my pestering is naive and childish. I hope that you still laugh and sing, but most of all I hope that your'e happy with the life you chose and how it all turned out (However that happened). I am anxious to know the decision you made (you know what I mean), and how well that worked out for you. I believe that you kept writing, and I can only assume that the words still speak to you like they spoke to me in high school. I must let you go now, and I will see you in 20+ years.